This policy applies to all Carlow University community members: students, faculty, staff, and the Sisters of Mercy.
- Checkout Procedures
- Carlow University faculty, staff, and students can borrow print books and DVDs from the library using their University ID card. When Carlow users are ready to check out circulating materials, they must bring the items along with their ID to the Circulation Desk to be charged out via the OCLC WorldShare Management Services (WMS) Circulation module. Some print materials are non-circulating and cannot be checked out. Patrons will receive an email with loan period information, including the due date, upon checkout.
- Lending Periods
- Books: Books are charged out for the entire semester. Patrons can return items at their earliest convenience if they are finished using the item prior to the due date.
- DVDs: DVDs are charged out for a three-week period. The system will automatically calculate the due date and will not include holidays or other days that the library is closed during that length of time.
- Interlibrary Loan: Items received through ILL have varying due dates that can range from a few weeks to a month or more. Each lending library sets its own policy regarding lending periods for ILL. Due dates entered into WMS will be based on the date set by the lending library or the end of the semester, whichever comes first. This date will be written on the book strap included on all ILL materials.
- End of Semester: In circumstances where a due date would exceed the last day of classes, due dates will be adjusted to be the last day of classes, regardless of the lending period for a particular material type, unless an extension is permitted.
- Renewals
- Books can be checked out for one semester at a time. Employees are permitted one renewal, making one academic year the limit for faculty/staff borrowing. Videos can be renewed up to three times. Students cannot renew past the end of the current semester unless an extension is applied.
- Holds
- When a patron places a hold on an item through the online catalog, it will be pulled from the collection and shelved at the Circulation Desk in alphabetical order by last name. Items on hold will not be checked out until the patron comes in to pick up their items. If items are not picked up within five days of the hold date, they will be reshelved. Holds for items on Course Reserve will not be filled.
- Loan Limits
- Faculty, staff, and students are limited to a total of fifteen books checked out at one time. Special permission to check out additional materials may be granted in some circumstances.
- Expectations for Condition of Returned Items
- Items should be returned to the library in the same condition as when the items were checked out. Patrons returning damaged items (water damage, underlining/writing on pages, broken spines, missing pages, etc.) will be charged a damage or replacement fee.
- Overdue Items
- Overdue notices are generated in WMS and are automatically emailed to patrons.
- These notices indicate that library borrowing privileges are suspended until the items are returned.
- Two days following the due date for an item, a hold is placed on the patron's account and will remain there until the item is returned. Patrons will receive a bill notification for the replacement amount they will be charged if the item is not returned within the next 30 days.
- Items Assumed Lost
- Any items checked out from the library will be assumed lost 30 days past the item's due date or 30 days following the last day of the semester, whichever comes first.
- A replacement fee for items assumed lost will be placed on the student's library account and Student Account through the Student Hub. With the exception of Interlibrary Loan materials that we have already received a bill for, fees will be removed if the student returns their items and borrowing privileges will be returned.
- Interlibrary Loan materials that have not been returned will be billed either a flat $50 replacement fee or the cost invoiced to Grace Library by the lending library, if available by the time of the "assumed lost" status.
- Fines, Replacement Costs, Etc.
- Fines for Course Reserves: Overdue fines are assessed at $5.00/week for reserve items. There is no maximum fine.
- Replacement Costs for Overdue, Unreturned, Lost, or Damaged Items: Students, faculty, and staff will be charged the full list price of the item for unreturned, lost, or damaged items. Replacements for the collection will be purchased based on need.
- Items are assumed lost according to the Assumed Lost policy.
- When an item is assumed lost, the full replacement cost will be submitted to Student Accounts.
- Library borrowing privileges will be suspended for students with an unpaid fine on their student account. Borrowing privileges will be restored after the charges are paid or items are returned. Students paying for replacements must bring a receipt from the Student Hub to the library showing they are paid in full.
- Faculty and staff members who do not renew or return items at the end of the borrowing period will have their borrowing privileges suspended until the items are returned or fees are paid in full.
- Miscellaneous Patrons
- Occasionally, special temporary borrowing cards are issued to alumni, individuals who are part of the "Madwomen in the Attic" program, visitors, non-matriculated students, and others who are in some way affiliated to Carlow University. The special borrowing card allows the holder to borrow items from Grace Library's circulating collection for a specified time period, usually a year. This borrowing privilege is for the circulating collection only and does not extend to ILL or electronic resources. These patrons have the same borrowing privileges and same overdue fines or replacement costs as regular Carlow patrons. There are no renewals for miscellaneous patrons.