These videos were funded by a grant awarded to Carlow University from the U.S. Department Of Education: Fund For The Improvement Of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Institutional Resilience And Expanded Postsecondary Opportunity (IREPO) Program.
Please complete this PRE & POST evaluation HERE. Answer the PRE questions before watching the video and then finish the follow up questions after the video is completed. We value your feedback and appreciate your assistance with this request.
Please complete this PRE & POST evaluation HERE. Answer the PRE questions before watching the video and then finish the follow up questions after the video is completed. We value your feedback and appreciate your assistance with this request.
Please complete this PRE & POST evaluation HERE. Answer the PRE questions before watching the video and then finish the follow up questions after the video is completed. We value your feedback and appreciate your assistance with this request.
Please complete this PRE & POST evaluation HERE. Answer the PRE questions before watching the video and then finish the follow up questions after the video is completed. We value your feedback and appreciate your assistance with this request.
Please complete this PRE & POST evaluation HERE. Answer the PRE questions before watching the video and then finish the follow up questions after the video is completed. We value your feedback and appreciate your assistance with this request.
These videos were funded by a grant awarded to Carlow University from the U.S. Department Of Education: Fund For The Improvement Of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Institutional Resilience And Expanded Postsecondary Opportunity (IREPO) Program. The IREPO program aims to help higher education institutions expand educational opportunities for students and emerge more resilient from the COVID-19 pandemic.