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CTRL Newsletter

Official Launch of the Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning

The CDLI and Grace Library staff are excited to announce their official rebranding as the Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning (CTRL). Under the direction of Alexis Smith Macklin, the two departments—which have been operating under the same leadership since 2020—will continue to focus on promoting and supporting evidence-based teaching practices and facilitating the development of innovative and inclusive learner-centered experiences.

The two departments bring to the table resources and expertise that blends naturally, combining course development reesources and educational technology tools with library resources, information and digital literacy instruction, and reference services in a way that can meet the needs of faculty, staff, and students.

As part of this rebranding process, the CTRL staff have been hard at work developing two new websites, which are now live as part of our soft launch. The depatment homepage, the CTRL, will focus mostly on faculty-oriented instructional resources and information on educational technology. The Grace Library website will include library resources for both students and faculty. The library's suite of reference and research services will continue to exist as Grace Library, but all staff will exist under the umbrella of the CTRL.

These new sites will officially replace the current websites and links for the CDLI and Grace Library as of January 5, 2024. Please update any links you might have save to reflect those changes. Links on Isadora, MyCarlow, and the Carlow University website will also be updated, and the CDLI email will be replaced with our new email address,